PYCC Sponsors
PYCC Sponsors
The Pa’ia Youth & Cultural Center is very dependent on donations from private companies and individuals. We would like to acknowledge and express our sincere appreciation for the continued support of our sponsors and individual donors. Without their support, we would cease to be. Please support those who support us.
Pledged Sponsors
Billy and Pete Jalbert, The Maui Real Estate Team
KOPO RadiOpio
Lynn and Richard Rasmussen
Pa’ia Bay Café Support
Kent & Polli Smith Fund
Pa‘ia Bay Café
Mama’s Fish House
Pa‘ia Bay Café
Mana Foods
Pa‘ia Bay Café
Debra Morril
General Support
Pa’ia Inn
KOPO RadiOpio

Loyal Supporters
Your yearly contributions help us in Building Community Through Our Youth. Please click to Donate Now. Mahalo to all our generous loyal supporters!
A Make Believe Clothing Company
A&B Properties
Aaron Holmes
Abe Cuevas
Adam Burgasser
Ahura Designs Inc
Akari Ueoka
Alejandro Escudero
Alexander & Baldwin Foundation
Alexander and Baldwin Inc
Alexandria Worsham
Amy Byrd
Amy Nectar Creations
Anderson Builders
Andrew Beerer and Aloha Skateboards
Angela Cochran
Ann and Christopher McNeil
Anne Jalbert
Annie Fischer Designs
Ansari, Inc.
Anthony Spinetta
Arnold Ching
Arthur and Jane Chenoweth
Audrey Santos
Bank Of Hawai‘i
Barry and Stella Rivers
Bendon Family Foundation
Bernice and Contrad Von Hamm
Betsil Brothers
Biasa Rose, Patty and John Pottorff
Big Wave Realty LLC
Bill and Peggy King
Billy and Carla Jalbert
Blake McEtheny
Boobie Shack
Brad Couden
Brandyl Terrence Hart
Brian Boespflug
Briton Sloan
Bruce Anderson and Lily Bloom
C. Iles
Cai Sorlien
Cafe Mambo
Carl Martin
Catherine Balku
Charles Oliviera
Chelsea Street
Cheryl Reeser
Charmaine Tavares
Christie Hirota
Christina Kling
Christina Sinclair and Azeem Butt
Cindy and Paul Campbell
Claudia Imperato
Connie Layer
Connor Hanley
CSM General Contractor Inc
Cynthia Ikeda
Da Kine Hawai’i
Dagmarde Zwart
Dan Cretton
Daniel Delaunay
Darrell and Mary Orwig
Darul Gotel
Daruni Gotel
Dave and Jeff Hubbard, Hubb Boards
David De Leon
David Spee
Debi Roblin
Deborah B Brown
Deborah Dennison
Debra Merle
Debra Morrill
Diana Dahl and Jim Loomis
Doc Buyers Fund
Dorothy Day
Douglas and AnneMarie Sheehan
Douglas and Madeline Callahan
Douglas Bronick
Dragon’s Den Healing Center
Dwight Firestine
Edgar Sabbeth
Edward and Karen McCall
Edwin Barton
Eileen Taketa
Eliza Brady
Ellen Peterson
Elsa Ecsedy
Eric Baizer
Eric Botner
Evan Asato
Fidelity National Title Company of Hawa’i
FIM Group
First American Title Company
Flatbread Company
Forward Maui, Inc
Frances Ort
Francine Duncan
Francisco Goya, Tamara Catz
Frank and Audrey Santos
Fred Haywood Realty Inc.
Frost Family Fund
Gail and Hugh Thomas
Gail Murphy
Gardner Foundation
Garmer Foundation
Gene Weymouth
Geoffrey Bourne
Go Cycling Maui LLC
Goodfellow Brothers Inc
Grace Klonoski
Gregory and Claudia Raab
H Bram Denhaan
Ha’iku Grocery Store
Harold Appleton
Harold Berman
Hawai‘i Community Foundation
HB Denham
Helen Hart
Helen Krutzer
Helena Berg
Hi Tech Surf and Sport
Hillary and William Palmer
Hugh Starr and Co., Inc.
Hunton Conrad
Ian Walsh
Ildar Bibaev
International Mortgage LLC
Iris Nola
Jacques Delaunay
Jaggers Maui LLC
James and Debbie Walsh
James and Helen Tavares
James Bickford
James Davis
James L Fleming
James Tavares
Jamila Janco
Janice Marsters
Janice Revells
Jason Moffatt
Jean Kokhanovski
Jean Koprowski
Jean McKannon
Jed White
Jeffrey Wilks
Jeremy Baldwin
Jessica Madera-Torres
Jill Richards
Jim Fleming
Jim and Honey Bun Haynes
Jim Porowski
Jimi Hendrix Foundation, Maui Chapter
Joseph Perez
Joel Del Edward
John Bruder
John and Cheryl Kaupalolo
John Otterson
John Street
Jordy Brittain
Joseph and Donna Rachunas
Joseph Jalbert
Josh and Amy Stone
Judy Godec
Josh Jerman
JP Zimmerman
K. Cai Sorlien
Kai Sorle
Kai Waterman Inc
Karen Bouris
Karl and Dorothy Higa
Kathleen Soule
Kathleen Carelle-Thuro
Kelly and Jud Lau
Kelly Moore-Coullahan
Ken and Polli Smith Family Fund
Kenneth Rendell
Kenneth Rothman
Konnie Newbro
Kosasa Family Fund
Kristina Shugars
Launani Interior Landscaping LLC
Laura Kray
Laura Maundrell
Laurent Guillemin
Lawrence and Mary Lambert
Lawrence Beck – Microsoft
Leonard and Kathryn Sakai
Leslie Hart
Liam Grist
Lilian Takizawa
Lily Barawis
Linda Lambeck
Lisa Starr
Linda van Alstine
Louis and Judy Siracusa
Luana Coonen
Luciana Baccarat Vitali
Lumeria Maui
Luna and Tide, Christine Thevenard
Lyman Morikawa
M. Santa Maria
Makawao Union Church
Mancini, Welch, and Geiger, LLC
Marc and Kelly Rosenthal
Marcia Colwell-Jaconi
Marcy Koltun-Crilley
Margaret W King
Marin A Kramer
Mark and Patricia McKenzie
Mark Peters, the B.A.D.S.
Mark Sheehan
Marlene Shoemaker
Martha E Martin
Martha and Kenneth Leeks
Mary Ann and Lawrence Lambert
Mary Sue Gannon
Matson Foundation
Matson Navigation Company Inc
Matt Meola
Matthew Cantu
Matthew Yearsley
Maui Crafts Guild Inc
Maui Cyclery
Maui Dharma Center
Maui Electric Company
Maui Film Festival
Maui Hands Inc
Maui Oil Company
Maui Oral Surgery
Maui Printing Company
Maui Sunriders Bike Co., Inc
Maui VIP Concierge
Mele Stokesberry
Melody Smythe
MetaVante Corporation
Michael and Francis Capizola
Michael and Judith Nicholson
Michael and Konnie Newbro
Michele Dorntge
Michele McLean
Michelle Wagner
Mikki Clark
Mila Salvador
Mishna Orion
Mitchell Sanders
Monteiro Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Nancy Friedman
Nancy Huber and Woody Edwards
Nancy Roach
Nancy Schneidewind
Neida Bangerter
Neida Caho
Neil Pryde
No. 6 Bodyboards
Noreen Muscat
Northshore Tropicals LLC
Nuage Bleu
Nuestro Futuro Foundation
Oceania Maui LLC
Old Republic Title and Escrow
Olukai, LLC
Pa’ia Fish Market and Restaurant
Pa’ia Inn, LLC, Michael Baskins
Pa‘ia Chevron
Pa‘ia Tattoo Parlor
Paia Trading Company LLC
Pakaloha Bikinis LLC
Patti and Alan Cadiz
Patricia Chaney
Patricia Gagne
Patricia Westbrook
Paul and Lisa Weinstein
Paul Hooper
Paul Romero
Paul Thompson
Paula Loomis
Paula McNally
Pearl Pa’ia
Pete and Judy Siracusa
Pete Jalbert
Peter and Deborah Martin
Peter and Victorine Merriman
Peter Hagedorn and Miriam Trahan
Peter Vennewitz
Peter Watson
Puka Puka
R. Bruce Martin
Rebecca and Andrew Chenoweth
Renee Lancet
Reta Chin and Al Chiarella
Rev. Takie Okumura Family Fund
Rhonda Fosbinder
Rich and Liz Salem
Richard and Elizabeth Behn
Richard and Lynn Rasmussen
Ricky Rulloda
Roan Browne
Rob and Cathryn Naish
Rob Humphreys
Robert and Donna McCleary
Robert and Ginny Karpovitch
Robert and Kathryn Naish
Robert Hartley Yard Service
Robert Hilbun
Robert Martin
Robin Sibley
Rosalind Modica
Rosenthal Family
Roy Gennatt, D.C.
Sandra Collins
Sandra P. Fricke
Sandy Szymanski
SangHam Foundation, Karuna Santoro
Savitt Family Foundation
Scott and Gwen Obley
Shane Smith
Spinetta Family Vineyards and Partnership
Stanley Tempo
Stephen and Carla Thistle
Stephen Sussman
Stephanie Austin and James Ness
Stephanie Gilgoff
Stephanie Nelson
Steve Baker
Steven Gosset
Steven and Jette Slater
Steven Sipman
Sudha Scott
Sue and Paul Kiang
SueEllen Barton
Suzanne Lundahl
Tatiana Botton Trust
Tatiana Howard, the Butterfly Effect
Ted and Karen McCall
Teri Schiller
Territorial Architects
Terry McBarnet
The Discovery Land Company Foundation
The Haynes Family Fund
The Wine Corner and DaVine Art
Thomas Hays
Thomas Haynes
Thomas Fistler
Thomas Levine
Tim Henry
Tim and Kathy Pisoni
Timothy J Pagan
Tobi’s Shave Ice
Todd Kistler
Tom Fraught and Wendy Hudson
Travis and Marsha Rice
Trilogy Corporation
Valerie Richter
Victoria and Peter Merriman
W Marcus Wimberley
W.R. Meyers Co Inc
Wagner Pacific Group LLC
Walter Hillinger
Wanda McMaster
Will and Kalima Sawyer
William and Donna Bradely
William and Hillary Palmer
William Foote
Wilson P Cannon Memorial Fund
Windermere Foundation
Wings Hawai‘i
Youth Matters Endowment Fund
Yuki and Paulo Carrozzino